Rebecca loved the Red Tractor when we lived in Berkeley, CA. It's a great place to bring the kids.
Aunt Cecily sent us the place mat for ol' time sake - Thanks Ces!

Ages Five and Six

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From Dusseldorf, Germany, Rebecca moved to Vienna, Austria right before turning six. While in Dusseldorf, she attended a German Tageschule for two years and learned the language. She has a slight American accent, undetectable to us but it drives the locals mad with admiration and love. She gets away with murder here - and she knows it!

This was her first snow, a few months after turning five. She told us she likes the summers better. Gee, I wonder why?

A walk on the Rhein in Dusseldorf

Giving a ride to a perfect stranger! I told her about that... Kinder faire in Dusseldorf.

With Mom during a trip to Paris.

Walking the Right Bank in Paris.

Taking a short nap.

While in Portugal, we past this gentleman for three days leaving the hotel. Rebecca finally asked for a shoe shine. She said he spoke funny and gave him five dollars worth of local currency she grabbed from my wallet before I could stop her. He then did my shoes for free.

Portugal has a wonderful zoo. This sky ride is included in the admission. A must for the kids.

They have a great aquarium too!

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